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Friday, November 9, 2007

Hitler, you lucky bastard...

Now I know how Hitler must have felt just before he killed himself.

It may be true he was responsible for the death of at least 42 million human being.

It may be true that he caused the destruction of cities, cultures and entire populations.

It may be true that his whole ideology was about eradicating any other "non-supreme race".

BUT... The man believed in something. He believed in it with all his heart. His belief was so powerful, that he transmitted it to an entire country. He pursued his belief till the end. Doing EVERYTHING he can to reach his dream, no matter how crazy it was.

The last days of his life, he saw his whole dream collapse in front of his eyes. He saw his entire system of belief, goals, wishes and ideas fall into ashes. He witnessed the death of the plant he was growing for the most part of his life.

By the death of his dream, he had died already. By the fall of everything he has created, his soul was already buried. The suicide was only the documentation of his death.

What did he do wrong? well, I'll tell you: He wasn't selfish enough...

OH YES, hear me out: He didn't seek HIS best interest like most human beings on this earth. He didn't devote his entire life to get money, a wife, a dog and a house by the sea. The guy sacrificed all his efforts to create what "he thought to be" the good for his community, his country and the entire world.

On that last day of his life he must have thought... "I sacrificed everything, including my image and my name that has become associated with crime, tyranny and murder. Later I found out that other countries didn't believe in my cause, I was ready to fight them for the sake of my own country and the countries that believed in this cause.I've been doing something FOR the world, and now I realize the entire world DOESN'T even want it.. So, what's the point?"

Hitler should have been more selfish in his life, to only think of HIS OWN profit.

Hitler was lucky, at least his country stood by him till the end.

Hitler was VERY lucky, he killed himself with his own hands. At least, among the pains he must have felt, he didn't feel the pain of his friends' rusty knifes penetrating his back.


Ardor said...

La La Ya Ayman...s'il tu plait! L'article est magnifique, mais... Hitler was not self-centered, maybe! But not SELFISH?! How do you define selfishness, sir?! Fascism is not selfishness? Believeing you alone has the right to live is not selfishness...seeing life through your eyes and only your eyes is not selfishness... If I hate you I put you in concentration camps and burn you! If we justify everything Hitler did, then I can Justify any war as the natural consequence of unselfishness!! After all, it's for the love of "something, something"... it comes to be, he loved the German...that's his total right...but, where does humanity stand here?! Am no way a Jewish lover...but they are humans whether I like it or not!
I respect a million things about Hitler...I love a million things about him...his belief in his nation...but I hate his view to the other: Stereotype and Prejudice! Stereotype and Prejudice! Stereotype and Prejudice! That was his paradigm! He killed himself, not because he found no support...but because he had nothing to defend his stereotype and prejudice! Those he saw as dirt, were now in power...were the ones nature favoured in the "right to live" paradigm!
He taught his nation self-respect and see themselves as worthy of life...his ONLY BIG MISTAKE...was to see life as tooooooooooooo small to tolerate all!
And this mistake was fatal by the law...the law OUR CREATOR has put in life!
Again...maybe I misunderstood something...I just need to do you define selfishness please?! Not wanting something for yourself doesn't mean you're not selfish! There's qualitative selfishness as well as the quantitative! He was not qualitatively selfish..Maybe?! But sure Quantitatively!
Sorry I made it long...but although I liked the article...and I love a lot of aspects about Hitler... concentrate camps can not be justified!

Ayman Sabae said...

Nothings justifies hurting a human being, there is no question about that. And for sure... lol... I wouldn't even dare to think of finding him
But the thing is, I'm looking at a will and a motivation to accomplish a certain goal. A will that wouldn't accept any sort of obstacles.

He was not "selfish" in this context because he didn't dream for himself, he dreamt for his entire country and the world as a whole. Needless to say it wasn't really a dream, and needless to say this dream made him think that he was god and that he had the right to eradicate entire populations. Yet, he dreamt and worked for an entire country. And pursuid his dream till there was nothing more he could do.

He was selfish, but not selfish enough. He saw himself the best of the german "race", and the german "race" the most evoulted race of all. Being totally selfish would be seeing himself as the best compared to all human being. Had he been that selfish, he wouldn't have done anything.

haramis said...

bon là je crois qu'on n'a pas du tout la même vision des choses....
déjà il n'y a rien à admirer chez Hitler....absolument rien...en tous cas ,j'ai rien trouvé de ca me choque que quelqu'un puisse dire qu'il admire des choses...là je tombe des nues...

Je crois que le personnage d'Hitler constitue une remise en cause de la race humaine. Personnellement, j'ai eu beaucoup de mal à admettre qu'un être humain, ou du moins qui en avait l'apparence, puisse être à l'origine de telles atrocités. Il n'y a pas de mots assez fort pour qualifier ce qu'il a fait....
Il semble en effet que pour lui, l'extermination d'une population ait été une sorte d'éxutoire, un dérivatif pour permettre aux hommes d'exprimer leur haine et leurs angoisses. L'inquiétant c'et surtout de voir combien le fuhrer était aimé à l'époque. comment se fait-il que tout un peuple se soit laissé enbrigader???? C'est complètement fou....

Je ne crois pas non plus qu'il ait jamais aimé son peuple...lui meme n'était pas allemend mais autrichien, plutot petit brun, pas du tout grand on lui prête meme une ascendance fait un peu beaucoup pour quelqu'un qui prone la suprématie du type aryen....
Donc à mes yeux, il n'y a pas de doute possible, Hitler était un désaxé, ou ce qu'il peut y avoir de pire dans la catégorie des gros problèmes psychiatriques... Il n'y a pas d'excuse à lui trouver...
Il s'est tué pour ne pas tomber aux mains des Alliés.
Mais je ne crois pas qu'il ait jamais pensé à autre chose qu'à lui. Il s'est élevé au rang de fuhrer pour dominer, parce que sa folie réussissait à enivrer ses il en profitait.
Il est certainement dans la nature de l'homme de vouloir dominer, de vouloir exercer le pouvoir. Tout le travail de l'etre humain en nous consiste justement à rester civilisé...Si l' humain se laisse envahir par la bête, alors il devient l'animal le plus sauvage et destructeur de la création. Hitler en est l'exemple le plus célèbre.

Alors je crois que VRAIMENT, se poser la question de savoir si Hitler était selfish ou pas, c'est etre EN DEHORS de toute réalité...Et c'est pas le problème.
En plus vous croyez franchement que quand on aime son peuple on l'envoie se faire tuer et semer la terreur??? Je ne suis pas convaincue que Hitler ait jamais su ce que c'était d'aimer...que ce soit son peuple, ses proches ou lui meme.

Ayman Sabae said...

lol, bon, madame (ou monsieur) Haramis (respectant l'anonymat ;) si tu me le permes, je vais ecrire en Anglais pour que tout le monde comprenne :)

So, this article I wrote quite sometime ago is not about to reflect a vision of mine whatsoever on Hitler. In fact, I used the model of Hitler as he's the kind of persons almost everyone thinks about the same way (including me).

I can't agree more with every single word you wrote. I chose Hitler for this analogy only to show, by contrast, the idea I want to transmit, which, has nothing to do with Hitler as a person :)

The point is, regardless of his brutality, inhumanity and all other things one might like to attribute to him, he is, undoubtedly "crazy".

But what is "crazy"? If "crazy" is "doing things the "majority" of individuals find no logic in their execution", then, how come an entire population followed him that far and found a certain "logic" in his actions? They didn't find him crazy, did they?

He is crazy alright, but, this is not the typical everyday craziness, this is "craziness with attitude" or, the way I like to call it: "craziness with a belief". A belief so strong millions of people managed to believe in, neglecting its craziness. That's all crazy isn't it? who said it wasn't.

Now, despite this craziness, despite the consequences of his actions, despite everything he has done, in my opinion, Hitler had many things he didn't deserve: He had his people's respect, his people's love, a honorable life and yes, a honorable death. And this is why I used him as a model back then: To show that the biggest criminal in human history had all of this, which makes him lucky, a VERY lucky bastard. :)

haramis said...

I like it better this way than the original one...the first time , it was easy to think you admired HItler's devotion to the community...You almost seemed to feel sorry for him realizing the entire wold was against him...This is why i strongly disagreed with the way you had put things on...
now, i think it's easier to understand what you wanted to say.
don't worry knowing you, i quite caught what you actually meant...and who you wanted to reach...but having read what came later, i don't think they understood...too difficult for them...
well it's ok with me now! ;)
and sorry for french writting...