Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Bala neela
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Get yourself a new Door mat.
Guess what? this has NOTHING to do with the reality. Respect, has NOTHING to do with "saying good things about you". Let me explain.
Your reputation is that of a man who's always smiling, rarely loosing his temper, a person who is nice with everyone, who's keen on not hurting a living soul... Is that the reputation of a "respectable" person? Well... No it's not. This is the reputation of a "Door mat".
A door mat that, no matter what you do to it, no matter how you abuse it, no matter how many people step on it, what kind of shoes they're wearing, where they've been before stepping on it... this door mat never complains and always deals with it without ever wanting to set things right.
This door mat IS NOT "respectable".
You can say all the pretty things in the world, you can smile at me every single day, you can pay tributes, build statues, hang photos, make a thousand decoration, but one fact is there: Whenever you had/have/will have the chance to kick me in the head, to throw me from a cliff or to trade my soul for a cookie, you won't hesitate to do it. Why? Because you know that I'm your door mat that never objects... and afterall "it's not personal, it's just business".
Ya3nee, men el akher... Earning your respect means to you having to take up with your continuous back stabbing, hypocrisy, manipulation and heart-breaking never-ending inhumane crimes. The moment I stand up, make a statement and say right in your face, in the mildest way, with the silliest media: "Ya wehesh"; I have "lost" your "respect".
If you really respected me you wouldn't have abused my innocence and easy-going to make whatever you want without minding shredding me into a million piece.
If you really respected me you would have simply had the slightest respect to my goals, my dreams and my work.
But you didn't do that, you "applauded"... You applauded like you always do when you know you're doing something totally immoral, just to give yourself enough confidence to be able to carry on with it. Just like when you applauded when your last voice arrived, just like when you applauded when you threw someone's hard work into the garbage, just like you do every time you want to tell your conscious "yeah, I'm doing the right thing" although you KNOW you're not.
Well... Guess what... If this is your definition of being "respectful", then, let me tell you that I don't want your "respect" anymore. I really don't care about your little fake pathetic "respect".
I can withstand you hurting me in whatever way, I did withstand that for quite a while now... I can afford every single kind of torture you may want to inflict on me. But touch one hair of a beloved one. Touch one hair of a person whose moral values and Human natures will beat yours blindly. Touch one hair of a person whom I REALLY respect and admire. And I won't stay still anymore, I won't just swallow it like I always did. You're not worth it by any means.
And let me tell you something... You never saw my "other side".
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The "Make-up" Theory
I know my opinion may be controversial, feel free to prove me wrong.
Like all essay questions should be answered in one of our refined written exams, one should begin by its definition.
What is deception anyway? The encyclopedic definition is molto bellissima. Just take a look:
"Deception is the act of convincing another to believe information that is not true (...)"
Regardless of the intention, regardless of the tools used for that, regardless of its ingenuity, deception is deception. Make no mistake about that.
"(...) In many cases it is difficult to distinguish deception from providing unintentionally wrong information. One of the reasons for this is that a person or an entire organization may be self-deceived."
Deception is an artwork by itself. David Copperfield is a majestic deceiver: He turns his deception into an art form, with its own beauty, poetry and refinement. You ENJOY being deceived by him, he convinces you that it's fun to be deceived, and that's an even bigger deception by itself.
What is Make-up?
Make-up is a tool used by a good bunch of girls/women - and yes, sometimes men- to "deceive" their surroundings.
It hides the real person, the real features, the truth, with a multitude of colors, shades, glitter and patterns that only serve to distract the observer's eye from the real deal.
By "make-up", I don't mean "powder and lipstick". Make-up doesn't only involve the face, it involves the entire body, the entire personality, the morals and the mentality as a whole. In all cases, this Make-up is nothing but the tool to camouflage the reality.
It's the magician's left hand that distracts the audience from what the right hand is doing. Why? because seeing what the right hand is doing will spoil the entire show, will sabotage the whole illusion. That's why it has to be shiny, bright, colorful and simply distracting. The audience is blinded by it and is not able to see the truth as it passes by their eyes, the naked truth.
Well, if the truth was beautiful by itself, if that truth "looked good naked", one would never need to resort to make-up and deception.
When the inner beauty is deficient, girls have no other choice but to resort to their "deception box":
"- How about some "mascara", to hide those squinting eyes?
- oh no, it's not working either, let's go with the big "eye glasses"
- some colors on the hair would be great with my "new-look",
- not working? don't even bother: get an entire synthetic hair mesh to "give your hair volume".
- Still a mess? who said the hair had to look good under a scarf?, after all, this will be a double illusion: "I look good AND I'm pious"... the more the merrier.
- What is that? A zit? oh no, people can't see me like that, Oriflam's cream of foundation is here for that "With a thick protective layer of keratinamide, ZPTO and emulsifying agents, your skin is radiant with "natural" beauty, homogeneous and you shouldn't worry about those little imperfections that make the difference between seeing you or paying a visit to Madame Tusseaud's"
- mmm, something's still missing... oh yes of course, Forever Metallic lipstick from Maybelline with glitter and natural lust is a girl's best friend. 3gm tds and now you're sure your lips will be so shiny people would be blinded before even having the fortune (or the misfortune) to take a look at the face itself.
- The cloth... Now that's a challenge by itself, and I'm up to the challenge aren't I? Colors, shapes, drapes, ribbons, belts, bracelets, giant rings, giant necklaces, giant pins, didn't you hear about this year's new fashion statement? Hand cuffs... Now would you look at that... I look like right out of a Picasso. And yes, thanks to my bling blings I'm in stereo sound...."
And some girls are REALLY good at that... Like I told you, deception is an artwork.
(now you know why it took me so long to write: I had to do some pretty extensive research before writing this. Believe me, it's not easy for a guy to imagine what a "cream of foundation" is made for)
And that's ONLY the outer make-up. Don't even get me started with the behavioural/mental/cultural/vocational/moral camouflage.
The conclusion... What you see has NOTHING to do with the reality. And in order to "decorticate" those layers and layers of paint and accessories, a chisel may not be enough.
Under these layers and layers of deceptive materials and illusion-makers, lies that naked person. With all her human features, all her flaws and imperfections. The real deal.
And here comes the biggest irony, they will only fool the shallow men, the superficials. Because only them will believe that this is how you REALLY look like. The rest of them will either "make you live your own lie" and, although they know your reality, they'll just keep making you feel they are "under the spell".. ya3nee men el akher, hayakhdookee 3ala ad 3a2lek.
And Only a minority of them will let you know they're not fooled, only a minute minority will "denude" you in their eyes and see what's really inside. It may take them some time, but eventually, they'll get to it.
The most embarrassing moment for this girl is when one of her real traits is exposed... This is when her make-up fails her. Usually she cries, panics, and it's a catastrophic moment in her miserable life. The moment her reality is exposed.
And since girls are very concerned with how they look, with how people see them, they actually classify this "exposure" as an act of mal-intent that is aiming at "destroying that girl's image/reputation". Well, if exposing a reality destroys your image, then I'm sorry to say: You really should worry more about how you really look like than about how people SEE you.
The ultimate irony: Although they are aware of their sensitive situation, girls LOVE exposing others (of both sexes)... and, since they fail most of the time to find something "juicy enough", they are EXPERTS in "inventing" realities, this is where they use their imagination to the fullest. They just take a piece of info, analyse it, add some salt and pepper, spice it up, st

Only a girl who has nothing to hide will not NEED to deceive, will not need to use make-up, will not need to distract. Only a balanced person will realize the inner beauty he/she has inside and won't have to "act himself a beauty".
Girls, believe me, most boys are not mosquitoes:
They won't just get distracted by that "shiny light", suddenly stop thinking and head towards it without being able to resist till they get electrocuted.
Each little step, a pose.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Saturday, December 8, 2007
I never doubted your intelligence... :)
Maybe there is hope after all... I always believe there is.
Oh, and I just LOVE to be wrong.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
And this time, I mean YOU...

Cruella De Vil
Cruella De Vil
If she doesn't scare you
No evil thing will.
To see her is to
Take a sudden chill
Cruella, Cruella De Vil
The ice in her stare

Had better beware
She's like a spider waiting
For the kill
Look out for Cruella De Vil

At first you think
Cruella is the devil
But after time has worn
Away the shock
You come to realize
You've seen her kind of eyes
Watching you from underneath
A rock!

This vampire bat
This inhuman beast
She ought to be locked up
And never released
The world was such
A wholesome place until
Cruella, Cruella De Vil
Thursday, November 29, 2007
"Keep Moving Forward"

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Look through my eyes

Monday, November 19, 2007
Kronk... Buy one get one free...

And let's not forget Yzma's right-hand man.
Every decade or so she gets a new one.
This year's model is called "Kronk".
Kronk is big, Kronk is dumb and tone deaf.
I'm so glad I abandoned ship before he began his chanting.
This is Kronk on the night he's supposed to help Yzma poisin Kuzco, the emperor....:
Yzma: So, is everything ready for tonight?
Kronk: Oh yeah, I thought we'd start off with soup and a light salad, and then see how we feel after that.
Yzma: NOT THE DINNER! The...hmm.. you know...
Kronk: Oh, riiiiiiiiiiight! The poison. The poison for Kuzco. The poison chosen specially to kill Kuzco. Kuzco's poison.......... That poison?
Yzma: YES
Men el akher, Kronk would make a great cook in a 3 stars restaurant... His brain functions cannot exceed that level, yet, since fate has thrown him in Yzma's lap, her victory has put him directly in the Kingdom's second-man position.
But, Kronk, will still be Kronk... He will never change. Maybe he's now a bit polished and shiny. Maybe he's now got responsibilities. But, no matter what he does, his IQ will always hit a certain ceiling.
And that's the fate of our country, to be governed by people like Kronk, just because of his "muscular" participation in the overthrowing. This is the outcome of drastic bloody changes. To have Kronks in incompatible leadership positions. And too pre-maturaly.
Let's just hope that the real Kronk would think twice before "executing" any of Yzma's missions in the future.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Crowd - La Foule
Suffocating under the crowd and the noise.
And I hear with the valsing music,
those laughters that burst and bounce around me.

Lost amongst those people that keep pushing me.
Disoriented and scared, I freeze in place.
Then suddenly I turn around, and look above my shoulder
and the crowd throws it and puts it in my embrace, just close to my heart.
Carried away by the crowd that pushes,
the crowd that carries,
the crowd that presses us till we become only one,
And the flow pushes us, bound together with mere effort,
and leaves us rediscovered, intoxicated and blessed with happiness.
Carried away by the crowd that turns,
the crowd that danses,
the crowd that valses one crazy valse,
our fates remain joined together.
And sometimes our two tired bodies fly into the air altogether
and fall on the ground rediscovered, intoxicated and blessed with happiness.
These joy and happiness that I got, penetrates my body and shines from within.
But suddenly, I give a scream between those laughters,
when the crowd takes it back from my embrace.
Carried away by the crowd that pushes,
the crowd that carries,
the crowd that separates us from each other,
I fight and I struggle.
But the sound of my voice gets lost between others laughters,
and I scream in pain, in anger, in despair, and I weep...
Carried away by the crowd that turns,
the crowd that danses,
the crowd that valses one crazy valse,
I get carried away.
And I grasp my fist, cursing at the crowd that took from me.
The air of my lungs, the joy of my life that it once gave me
and that I'll never get back again...
Monday, November 12, 2007
Who is Yzma....!!!

Yzma is one of the best Disney villains ever created...
She was best described as "Ugly beyond all reason".
Scary? no, not really... Funny.. Oh yes, definitely... She's taking her "villain business" too seriously, while actually, she's only succeeding at making others laugh.
Yzma has the most idiotic side kick, "Kronk". He's not a bad guy, his destiny just threw him in her laps and, since he has congenital brain absence, he's kinda being the "muscles" and letting Yzma do all the thinking. More about him later.
But beware.... Yzma is only funny when she's on the other side of your TV/Cinema screen. But when Yzma is for real.... That's a totally different thing.
For me, Yzma represents many things... Sometimes she even represents many people in the same time.
At this moment in my life, Yzma represents... well... I don't know if the Internet is safe enough to say the real name, so I'll just go and say, now Yzma represents "the citizens of Vienna".
By the way, Vienna is a charming place that I once visited with some of my dear friends, and where we got to choose between giving up what we had in mind, or giving up our freedom :) Charming isn't it?
Wow... So is sooooo like the Mayor of Vienna internal Speech, the similarity is spooky:
" Oh i know, I'll turn him into a flea, a harmless little flea, and then, I'll put that flea in a box, and I'll put that box inside of another box, and I'll mail that box to myself, and when it arrives..hahahaha I'LL SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!...
or to save on postage, I'll just poison him... with THIS! "
And the "to save on postage" part, represents the bureaucracy you can find in places like Vienna...
Friday, November 9, 2007
Hitler, you lucky bastard...
It may be true he was responsible for the death of at least 42 million human being.
It may be true that he caused the destruction of cities, cultures and entire populations.
It may be true that his whole ideology was about eradicating any other "non-supreme race".
BUT... The man believed in something. He believed in it with all his heart. His belief was so powerful, that he transmitted it to an entire country. He pursued his belief till the end. Doing EVERYTHING he can to reach his dream, no matter how crazy it was.
The last days of his life, he saw his whole dream collapse in front of his eyes. He saw his entire system of belief, goals, wishes and ideas fall into ashes. He witnessed the death of the plant he was growing for the most part of his life.
By the death of his dream, he had died already. By the fall of everything he has created, his soul was already buried. The suicide was only the documentation of his death.
What did he do wrong? well, I'll tell you: He wasn't selfish enough...
OH YES, hear me out: He didn't seek HIS best interest like most human beings on this earth. He didn't devote his entire life to get money, a wife, a dog and a house by the sea. The guy sacrificed all his efforts to create what "he thought to be" the good for his community, his country and the entire world.
On that last day of his life he must have thought... "I sacrificed everything, including my image and my name that has become associated with crime, tyranny and murder. Later I found out that other countries didn't believe in my cause, I was ready to fight them for the sake of my own country and the countries that believed in this cause.I've been doing something FOR the world, and now I realize the entire world DOESN'T even want it.. So, what's the point?"
Hitler should have been more selfish in his life, to only think of HIS OWN profit.
Hitler was lucky, at least his country stood by him till the end.
Hitler was VERY lucky, he killed himself with his own hands. At least, among the pains he must have felt, he didn't feel the pain of his friends' rusty knifes penetrating his back.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The autumn leaves

Creation is extremely enjoyable. Creating with your friends is the most enjoyable thing ever. Creating a common thing while creating lifelong common friends, that's even more enjoyable. And don't get me started with "creating memories with your real friends". That's just priceless. That alone is worth the while.
Try looking at tomorrow, not yesterday
and all the things you left behind.
All those tender words, you did not say,
My life is all I have to give.
Even when it seems there's nothing more left to give
Office 306, "Through the other's eye"
" The ARROGANCE...!!!
The guy knows office 306 very well. He knows how it looks like, how it smells, how it works. He knows it even before getting his promotion. He knew that getting a promotion would mean more responsibilities, including, surviving office 306 the way it is. He knew it from the beginning.
The guy comes with his "team", they look at the office with disgust as if they were transferred from the empire state building and says "that's it, we're gonna redecorate the office".
But we don't want pink... we didn't ask for pink... and we won't accept pink. He thinks he's the right one. He sees he can do it by force. Well, sorry deary, that ain't gonna happen while I'm here. No one steps into my office and impose changes.
I mean the moment I had comments on the colors of his previous office, the moment I expressed myself and tried to impose changes in his domain he came and told me "focus on your work and let me do mine in peace". Now he comes and says "you're doing it all wrong, I'm gonna clean this place myself"???

Want a pink office? create a new one for yourself and paint it in pink.
He's going down.
All of them are going down.
Even if I'd have to abuse my rights as "the boss".
Even if I'd have to "Create" new rights for me.
Even if I'd have to lie.
Even if I'd have to forge.
Even if I'd have to ban.
Even if I'd have to suspend.
Even if I'd have to plot.
Even if I'd have to sabotage whatever they're planning.
Even if I'd have to kick them all from the entire company, and make sure they don't get hired anywhere else.
It doesn't matter. What matters is the outcome. I know I'm right, I'll do whatever is necessary.
After all, I'm not doing it for myself, I'm just a facilitator, I'm doing what the citizens want.
Justice is served."
Friday, October 26, 2007
Where are those names?
When I don't mention it's either that this applies on many people, or, that it applies on me personally. Don't even try to guess the hidden meaning behind my words. Chances are there are none.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Office 306, or, the story of an imbecile.
- The chairs are broken

Of course, here the "passive" members of your team hurry to say they were against your initiative to begin with. Coincidence? of course not. They didn't believe in it from the start.
You're almost done. The New and LIVABLE office 306 is almost ready. The walls have been painted, the furniture has been replaced, the insects have been eradicated, you installed an air conditioner, you even put a voice commanded light switch. Now here you go, the final step, you're installing your new window. The window that will enable you, your team and every future cohabitant of this new and improved office 306, to discover a fantastic world of dreams come-true, believes, hard work, and magic. A world of family time, a world that will never be completed as long as there is imagination left in the world. A Disney world.

The dream is gone.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Yzma and her Throne

Kronk: [sobbing] Poor little guy.
Yzma: His legacy will live in our hearts...
Kronk: He never had a chance.
Yzma: ...for all eternity.
Yzma: Well, he ain't getting any deader! Back to work.... It's SHOOOOOOW TIME The Throne is mine mine mine I tell you."
WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL WITH THAT CHAIR....??? I mean WHY is it that important? Is there a craving for power you've been having since your first day in this world? Are you trying to compensate a defect in your real life? Have you always been "the governed" to the point that you are ready to do ANYTHING to become "the governor"?

But why Yzma? Why do you do that? after all, it's just a chair. AND, guess what? It's not EVEN REMOTELY comfortable... Ask me, been there, done that.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Redefining friendship
Before getting philosophical, let me tell you a story of a freak.

- Freak element number two: When I left school to join this amazing faculty of medicine, I had only 1 real friend from school (I didn't see him since 5 years now except twice by chance).
- Freak element number three: During my first 3 years in medicine, I had a group of around 15 friends I met in the faculty. That would have been great, but I have to be honnest: They were all girls...!!!!
So, all of this to tell you that I was never what you can call "a friendships-guy".
I joined the SSS 4 years ago. During these 4 years... This side of me underwent the biggest chain of changes in its history. Maybe because of the work environment. Propably because I met new, different people. Definetly because I had to meet the REAL FREAKS as well as the REAL LARGER THAN LIFE Human beings...
Monday, October 15, 2007
The "citizen"
Isn't this lovely? I mean, this is exactly what my fellow board members and I believed in for the entire year of my term: To make every member who earns this title, able to shape his "own SSS". We believed, we hoped, we did it. We recruited members of SSS. Oriented them, gave them those rights, showed them how to use them. The perfect picture of the perfect country, isn't it? Well... we were WRONG... OH YES.... we were SOOOO wrong. Wrong beyond all reasons.
We were so eager to GIVE those rights that we totally missed the most important point. They first have to EARN those rights. They have to MATURE enough before getting them. Otherwise, you're giving a fire gun to a kid without educating him on how to use it properly and making sure he got it. The first thing he'll do is use it, to eliminate all sources of power that pose a threat to him. Next, he's gonna reinforce "order" the way HE sees it. And finally, he's gonna make sure no one else takes his gun, or any other gun for that matter.
Guess what, this is EXACTLY what happened: One day, you're explaining to your members "what is SSS", "It's bylaws", how to "run for elections", how to "call for extra-ordinary General Assemblies"...etc. The next day, they use all those "rights" you've given them and told them how to use. They use it ON YOU. Why? well, simply because you're the only bigger "power". Sick, isn't it? Now, come to think of it, it was sooo predictable, the typical human behaviour. We just couldn't believe it can happen one day. We were blinded by concepts that turned out to be absent in this community "appreciation", "gratitude" and "respect".
They transformed us into "the Beast", gathered, assembled their different goals and interests, and directed them towards one target. To "Kill the beast". They first made sure everyone of them had a gun, and PAM, they fired at will.
Gaston wanted to marry Belle. But Belle totally neglected this "handsome fellow" and actually fell for the Beast. Gaston couldn't believe it. I mean, "she left him for the beast", so, he went to the villagers and told them how dangerous this Beast is. How cruel, brutal and threatening to their children and families. In a minute, those "angry villagers" grabbed their guns and torches and went on "to kill the beast". NO ONE ever thought "hey, but this "beast" never harmed us by any means, why should we kill him?".
In all mobs you have "the leaders" and "the angry villagers". In SSS we also had "the leaders", blinded by this raging jealousy and eagerness for power, and also, of course, "the angry villagers". The angry villagers who know nothing about anything who just go with the flow and sing the chorus of this mob song. "Kill the beast"
The beast, weakened by the sense of betray, doesn't fight back. Yet, the moment when he sees Belle and realizes she didn't betray him, he gets up and fights back Gaston and his mob. He ends up by winning and holding gaston by the neck over the castle's balcony. He is about to throw him. The "strong and powerful" Gaston cries and begs him like a baby, to let him go. The beast does THE BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER... The SAME mistake we did: He feels pity and LETS HIM GO. And of course, you know the rest of the story. He turns back to go to his beloved Belle only to feel the agonizing pain of Gaston's knife penetrating his back.
So now, where do we stand? We've been killed by our sons and daughters using the same weapons we offered them one day. And THAT my friend, is the ugliest feeling one can have. The feeling of "stupidity".
The irony? Now that the "common target" has been disposed off (the beast, a.k.a. Us). They're shooting at each other. By time, they'll find another "beast" and they'll shout "kill the beast". Sick? noooo it's "human".